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Home Decor Write For Us, Home Improvement & Real Estate

If you’re an expert in home industry, and looking for some home decor guest post opportunity, is the best way you can submit your article.

RepairedHomes has been into home decor industry for quite a long time, founded by Jarrod Vanco. In order to reach more audience and provide more helpful content to our readers, we are now open to accept home decor write for us submissions.

This article will inform you about the submission guidelines, who can submit, and why you should submit a home decor guest post to our website.

Why you should write for us?

Its an obvious question that will come to your mind before writing a guest article for us. Let us inform you why submitting a guest article on our platform is beneficial for you and for your brand.

We have been sharing trending ideas and guide on home decoration, home improvement, house tours, food and kitchen, gardening, and real estate for quite a long time.

We can say, repairedhomes is now a brand authority around this industry. Every day, we received 100s of visitors on our website.

By submitting a guest article, you will increase your profile authority, brand awareness, and generate referral traffic. Moreover, from SEO perspective, we will offer you a link to your author profile, that will help your website increase the over all authority and improves you search ranking.

Further, by receiving more and more clients to your website, you will generate higher sales and revenue.

We hope this is clear as why you should write a home decor guest post to our platform.

Who can write for us?

Anyone who is a home decor expert, have vast knowledge, and highly enthusiast, can join our community of contributors.

Having personal experience, excellent writing skills, and factually correct information is must in order to be our home decor contributor.

Moreover, even if you’re just starting out in this industry, and want to show your expertise to the world, you’re still welcome to submit your article to our content editors team.

Once you submit the article, you will receive a response saying either rejected or published.

Overall, it may take upto 2-3 days in order to review your content, once reviewed, we will surely respond you back with the next procedures.

However, make sure that the content strictly follows our guidelines and any error would lead to the rejection of the article.

How to find home decor write for us opportunities?

In this section of this article, lets understand how you can find more such home decor or home improvement guest posting sites. This will help you connect more blogger, industry experts, and benefit you getting more and more brand awareness.

In order to find guest post opportunities in home decor industry, try search the below keyword in google:

  • Home Decor write for us
  • Home interior write for us
  • Write for us home decor
  • Gardening write for us
  • Interior design write for us
  • Write for us renovation
  • Furniture write for us
  • Real estate write for us
  • Outdoor write for us
  • Write for us plumbing tips
  • Home renovation write for us
  • Architecture write for us
  • Write for us kitchen
  • Home and garden write for us
  • Plumbing write for us
  • Home DIY write for us
  • Interior design write for us
  • Home improvement write for us
  • Write for us outdoor furniture
  • Write for us landscaping

Using these keywords, you can easily find more opportunities.

Home decor write for us guidelines

If you’re ready to submit content for home decoration write for us section of our website, below are quality guidelines that must be followed strictly in order to be accepted.

Remember, we take the below guidelines very strictly and any issues will let your article get rejected.

Here are the guidelines which must be followed:

Originality of the content: Make sure the content is real, human-written, and original. A content, or idea copied from somewhere else would be rejected without any warning or notice.

Content length: Before submitting the content, make sure the content is more than 1000 words without any plagiarism. The topic of the content must have been discussed in the detail, such that reader is happy and satisfied.

Formatting: Make sure that the content you’re about to submit is actually formatted in H1, H2, H3, and H4. Moreover, make sure sentences are crisp, easy to understand, and small in length.

Images: With every article you want to submit, make sure there is an image attached with the content that’s relevant to the topic. Image must be copyright free and shouldn’t violate any legal laws.

SEO: Whenever you submit a content, please get this checked by an SEO expert, making sure that the content is fit for the search engine without any error. While this is not such a big factor, however, optimizing the content for SEO helps improve the overall health of the content.

Home decor write for us submission guidelines

home decor write for us

In order to submit your content, send your draft article along with all the other necessary information such as, your author bio, linkedin profile, social media profile, medias where you’ve been mentioned previously, and the images of the content.

Submit content at [email protected]

Make sure the content is submitted in the docs or word format, no other format would be accepted.

Once submitted, please allow us 24-48 hours to review the content. In case, you don’t receive a response from us, you may again reach back to us on the same email followup thread.

Final words

Alright, everyone!

I hope this page was helpful to submit your first home decor write for us guest post submission. If you have any query, we are just an email apart and we would be more than happy to answer your queries.

Until then, take care, and have a great time ahead.